About Us
Revelation Polygraph Services is situated in Strand, Western Cape and offers their services to the Western Cape and Eastern Cape but are prepared to work throughout the whole of South Africa.
Main Objective
Revelation Polygraph Services will provide professional Polygraph Services to all of its clients. The Company is committed to assisting a diverse client base with professional assessments in order to facilitate the resolution of important issues.
For clients in the business community this means assistance in on-going investigations that have underwent some form of financial loss.
Through the use of sophisticated polygraph and scanning techniques, Revelation Polygraph Services is able to help their clients establish the truth and gain evidence in order to aid further investigations.
The examiners of Revelation Polygraph Services are highly qualified professionals, who are motivated to help protect the client by verifying the truth, while following the highest standards of moral, ethical and professional conduct.
Meet the Team

Gert Zeelie, is the owner and founder of Revelation Polygraph Services and has qualified as a Forensic Psycho Physiologist, with the American International Institute of Polygraph (SA) and completed the Academic and Practical requirements of the Professional Examiner Training Program for Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (Polygraph) which covered the following courses: Test Question Construction, Polygraph Techniques, Physiology and the Polygraph, Psychological Aspects of Polygraph, Test Data Analysis, Law, Ethics, Research, Report Writing, Quality Control and Interviews .
He received a Graduated Diploma obtained through - “The S A Professional Polygraph Association (SAPPA)” A Divisional Member Of “The American Polygraph Association (APA)”
He has satisfactory completed two day advanced specialized training seminars at least once every two years to stay updated with the newest technology regarding Polygraph Testing in the Continuing of Education for Forensic Psycho Physiologists, at various Polygraph Associations accredited to the American Polygraph Association (APA) such as 1) The S A Professional Polygraph Association (SAPPA) 2) South African Polygraph Federation (SAPFED) and 3)The International Polygraph Study Centre (IPSC) that covers subjects as: (a) Professional Standards and Why; (b) Research to defend your exam; (c) Updated Test Data Analysis (d) Pre-test Interviews - Reducing Inconclusive results; (e) Validated Techniques; (f) New Empirical Scoring System and further Research supporting New Imperial Scoring System; (g) Pre- and Post- Conviction Testing for Sex Offenders; (h) Polygraph Testing and Labour Law and CCMA; (i) Latest Drugs and the effect on the body; (j) New American Polygraph Association (APA) Validated techniques & amp; revised Chart Evaluation; (k) Updated American Polygraph Association (APA) standards of practice/Quality Control Procedures and Comparative Technics ; (l) American Polygraph Association (APA) Affiliated Membership; (m) How to select polygraph technics; (n) Quality Insurance; (o) Questions formulating; (p) The selection of a CQ and the correct presentation of PLC’s and DLC’s; (q) Multinomial Empirical Scoring System.
In a time of crime and dishonesty in our country being the order of the day, He is driven by his passion for the truth. Honesty to devote himself to helping the truthful and honest person in proving their innocence and exposing the guilty persons for who they are.
He lives by the credo, "problems create the opportunity to create solutions."
His experience obtained in the South African Police as well as in the private sector has made him an expert at recognizing security risks and resolving security issues.
Mission Statement
To maintain superior standards in the polygraph field, by means of outstanding services and the optimum utilisation of technology.
Revelation Polygraph Services is constantly dedicated to providing a valid and reliable means of verifying the truth and above all to do so with the highest levels of moral, professional and ethical conduct. We place great value on integrity, objectivity and fairness at all times, providing you, the client with the highest level of service. After all, quality service is reflected by quality results.
Gert was a Senior Officer in the S.A. Police Services with 25 years investigative experience in various fields such as; murder, robbery, commercial crimes, housebreaking and theft, any fraud, rape, any other sexual offences and child abuse.
He obtained his National Diploma (Police - Administration) with the subjects: Afrikaans, English, Investigation of Crime, Police Administration, Criminal Law, Law of Criminal Procedure and Evidence. He successfully completed courses at the SA Police Junior and Senior Business Management with the subjects: Business Management, Marketing, Public Relations and Accounting.
Promotions in the SA Police
Sergeant - 1974, Warrant Officer - 1982, Lieutenant - 1985, Captain - 1989 and Major - 1993.
Investigative Experience
SAPS Investigation Officer at various Detective Branches.
SAPS Branch Commander - Detective Branch - Alexandra and Randburg.
SAPS Unit Commander - Brixton Murder and Robbery Unit.
SAPS Unit Commander Housebreaking and Rape Unit - Sandton for the Northern Suburbs of Johannesburg (Gauteng).
He was the Investigation and Interrogation Officer for some of the country’s most sensational murder, armed robbery, house robbery and rape cases.
He was also the Investigative Officer in the breakthrough of various syndicates where millions of dollars as well as various other currencies in counterfeit notes as well as traveller’s cheques were printed. He traced the press used to do the printing .This was the biggest press ever found in the history of this country that was used for the printing of counterfeit notes and traveller’s cheques.
He received recognition from the Judges at the Gauteng Supreme Court, as one of the most efficient Senior Police Officers (Commissioner of Oath), with the "Pointing out of Crime scenes and taking Confessions", as well as the "Testifying thereof in the different Supreme Courts."
Some of this country's most prominent Criminal Investigation Officers (current and previous) worked under his direct command.
Incorporating 25 years’ worth of experience in criminal investigation into the working of the
Criminals mind with Psychophysiological detection of Deception (lie detection), will ensure an in-depth analysis of any given situation.
He has administered already 7,000 Polygraph Testing’s and has given evidence in several Disciplinary- / CCMA- and Arbitration hearings which all of them were accepted.
Graduated Diploma obtained:
“The S A Professional Polygraph Association (SAPPA)”
A Divisional Member Of
“The American Polygraph Association (APA)”